Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Magento webshop integration

The integration between MS Dynamics NAV and Magento is delivered as an IaaS (Integration as a Service), cloud based service.

Product data from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to webshop

  • Basic product data integrated from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to the Magento webshop
  • Stock status and values can be automatically updated in Magento

Order integration from Magento webshop to Microsoft Dynamics NAV

  • Orders created in Magento is transferred to Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Customer integration from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Magento

  • Customers are created and maintained in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Customer accounts are created and kept updated in Magento

Tailor made Microsoft Dynamics NAV integration and B2B features

It is possible to integrate customers and discounts from Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Magento. Contact us a talk about your specific needs.

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