ODOO WooCommerce integration
The integration between Odoo and WooCommerce is delivered as a cloud service, SaaS, or IaaS: integration as a Service.
Product data from Odoo to WooCommerce
- Product data from Odoo is created / updated in WooCommerce
- Stock status can be integrated so that WooCommerce is updated with stock from Odoo
Orders from WooCommerce to Odoo
- Orders are transferred from WooCommerce to Odoo as a web order ready to process
B2B: Customers from Odoo til webshop
Create, maintain and grant access to your customers in Odoo.
Custom needs?
We would love to hear from you if you have any questions about customizing your Odoo WooCommerce integration!
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All you need to get startet is to contact us, and we will help you with the rest!
Maksimer AS
Tlf.: +47 55 91 31 35
E-post: post@maksimer.no