PCKasse WooCommerce webshop integration

The integration between PCKasse and WooCommerce is delivered as a SaaS cloud service.

Product data from PCKasse to the webshop

  • Product information is transferred to the WooCommerce webshop
  • Stock status is transferred from PCKasse to the WooCommerce webshop.
  • Product images are transferred from PCKasse to the webshop
  • Variants (sizes/colors) are transferred from PCKasse to configurable products in the Woocommerce webshop

Orders from WooCommerce webshop to PCKasse

  • Orders that are placed in the WooCommerce webshop are transferred to PCKasse
PCKasse is a stable and user-friendly cash register and POS system.
woocommerce logo
WooCommerce is the world’s most popular webshop solutions. WooCommerce is open-source and built on WordPress.

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All you need to get startet is to contact us, and we will help you with the rest!

Maksimer AS
Tlf.: +47 55 91 31 35
E-post: post@maksimer.no

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