ExtendaGO – WooCommerce webshop integration
The integration between ExtendaGO and WooCommerce is provided as a SaaS cloud service. Or as we like to call it, IaaS, Integration as a Service.
Product data from ExtendaGo to WooCommerce
- Product data from WooCommerce is updated in ExtendaGo
- Stock status can be integrated, so that WooCommerce is updated with stock status from ExtendaGo.
- Product groups can be maintained in WooCommerce and managed in ExtendaGo.
Orders from WooCommerce to ExtendaGO
- Orders placed in WooCommerce are transferred to ExtendaGO as a web order for processing, or a completed sale.
Integration customisation
We are happy to help you customise ExtendaGO webshop integrations. Please get in touch to discuss your project.
Get started
All you have to do to get started in contact us, and we will take care of the rest.
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Get started now
All you need to get startet is to contact us, and we will help you with the rest!
Maksimer AS
Tlf.: +47 55 91 31 35
E-post: post@maksimer.no