DNB Accounting – WooCommerce webshop integration

The integration between DnB Accounting and WooCommerce is delivered as a cloud service, also known as SaaS, or IaaS that we find more descriptive: Integration as a Service.

Product data from DNB Accounting to WooCommerce

  • Product data from DNB Accounting is updated in the WooCommerce webshop
  • Stock can be integrated, so that WooCommerce is updated with stock status from DNB Accounting.
  • Product groups can be maintained in DNB Accounting and managed in the WooCommerce webshop.

Orders from WooCommerce to DNB Accounting

  • Orders in WooCommerce are transferred to DNB Accounting as a web order for processing or a paid invoice.

B2B: Customers from DNB Accounting to the webshop

Opprett og vedlikehold kundedata i DnB Regnskap mens de handler i nettbutikken.

Customisation of integrations

We are happy to help you with customisation of DNB Accounting webshop integrations. Please contact us for a chat about your project.

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Maksimer AS
Tlf.: +47 55 91 31 35
E-post: post@maksimer.no

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