Visma Business Magento webshop integration
The integration between Visma Business and Magento is a cloud based integration solution, Integration as a Service.
Product data from Visma Business to Magento
- Product data is maintained in Visma Business and updated in Magento
- Stock status can be transferred from Visma Business to the Magento webshop
Order download from Magento to Visma Business
- Orders created in the Magento webshop is downloaded to Visma Business for further processing
B2B: Order history from Visma Business to Magento
Give your customers access to their complete order history from Visma Business through your Magento webshop.
Opens up for advanced features like:
- Repeating orders
- Advanced order analysis and product suggestions
- Purchase lists
Order history is a popular feature and requested by businesses looking to increase their customers ability to serve themselves.
B2B: Discounts from Visma Business to Magento
- After logging in the customers can see and shop by their net prices in the webshop
Customization of Visma Business online store integration
We have long and extensive experience with Visma Business integrations.
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Maksimer AS
Tlf.: +47 55 91 31 35