BestValue Magento webshop integration

The integration between BestValue and Magento is a cloud based service. This means lower risks, lower maintenance costs and a solution that is developing continually.

Product data from BestValue to the webshop

  • Product data from BestValue is updated in the Magento webshop
  • Stock status can be integrated, so the webshop stock status is updated from BestValue
  • Product groups can be maintained in BestValue and managed in the Magento webshop.

Orders from the Magento webshop to BestValue

  • Orders placed in the webshop are transferred to BestValue for processing.

Integration customisation

Please contact us if you’d like to discuss a more tailored integration solution between BestValue and Magento, or other e-commerce platforms.

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Maksimer AS
Tlf.: +47 55 91 31 35

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