Visma Net WooCommerce webshop integration

The integration between Visma Net and the WooCommerce webshop is provided as a cloud based SaaS service. Or as we call it, IaaS – Integration as a Service.

Transfer of product data from Visma .net to WooCommerce

  • Product data from Visma .net is transferred to the WooCommerce webshop.
  • Stock status is transferred from Visma .net to the webshop.

Transfer of orders and customers from WooCommerce to Visma .net

  • Orders that are registered in the webshop are transferred to Visma .net for processing or as paid invoices.

B2B: Order history from Visma .net to WooCommerce

Give your customers access to their order history in the webshop.

Provides opportunities for advanced functions such as:

  • Repeat orders
  • Advanced order analysis and product suggestions
  • Shopping lists

Order history is a popular function requested by companies that wish to provide their customers with self service options, and also thereby reducing workload for their employees.

B2B: Discount system from Visma .net to the webshop

  • Customers are shown their net prices in the webshop

Customisation of Visma .net webshop integrations

We have extensive experience with special integrations towards Visma .net and are a certified 3rd party platform developer. Please contact us to discuss your project and possibilities.

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